Simple Thoughts

Make something with what you’ve got. You don’t have to spend a fortune on the latest tools to create something great. Make people see what you are.

Fardhan A Atharakaditya
2 min readApr 20, 2022

Question is — why people focus on the negative side?

Yaa, we sure human do that!! But, i think for the “accept failure” and “accept lesson”, the colours be reversed. Life defaults to accepting failure, not the lesson.

Back to medium about how to build a system to maximize the given tools and put a feedback loop in place an improvement speeds grow.

In short like this:

“scope of thoughts”

Let’s start again with why?

People making excuses just because they don’t have something excellent new stuffs. Stop making excuse and start with whatever you have, with time, things will change and you’ll have all the excellent stuffts.



Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer. The magic is in the commitment — it is a game changer! Until then, nothing really moves forward!! Again.. Just Do something for 15 minutes does not feel like much. But done daily for a year it will be more than 91 hours. ((Tiny Habits))

I would like that, and I will figure out how to make it happen.

↑ that sentence with heartfelt commitment can change your life. And i did it.

Understand?? Again, don’t ask me stupid questions!!

